
Monday, November 4, 2013

Chocolate, Chocolate Chunk Banana Bread

It seems odd that with all of the baking that I haven't been doing, the one night of the year that I stress myself out just a little by baking is Hallowe'en.  The very night that my kids get more candy and chocolate than they could possibly deserve and most definitely more than they can get through.  And there I am, baking chocolate banana bread.
I'm sure that you've heard of my bah-humbug sort of attitude towards most holidays and hallowe'en is no exception.  I'm not anti-hallowe'en by any means either.  It's an odd sort of balance that I manage to strike where I kind of care about some details and absolutely don't care about others.  I don't think that hallowe'en is something to be afraid of and avoided.  I only wish that maybe it was seen in a more traditionally mystical and creepy whole.  The coolest thing about Hallowe'en is that it's really about protecting yourself from evil spirits.  Warding them off by dressing as them.  Hallowe'en is followed directly by All Saints in which the saints and even saintly are remembered and sometimes venerated.  All Saints is followed on November 2nd by All Soul's Day where those gone before are remembered - in some countries candles are laid by their graves and an extra place is set at the table for them.  I suppose it birthed from ancestor worship but it's kind of creepy, weird and cool.  Hallowe'en would make a whole lot more sense if it were widely considered part of the trilogy of Oct 31/Nov 1/Nov 2.  But, it's not.  Probably because some retailer couldn't think of a way to make enough money off of candles to push a serious marketing campaign.  Now hallowe'en has been reduced to kids going from door to door holding out a bag to get candy dumped into and naughty nurse costumes.

Really.  This is as creepy as it gets. 
We take Kid #2 out for his jaunt up and down our street.  Kid #1 is old enough now that she is doing her thing with her friends and has a curfew of 9pm (!)  We've always been the kind of couple who needs full support for each other in these situations so we don't go in for one of us sitting at home sipping mulled wine and handing out chocolate while the other wades through the trenches of the populated sidewalks.  Nope - we do it together.  The lights at our house go out and we leave, taking out Kid #2 and having each other to lean on.  Once kid #2 gets bored (which thankfully seems to occur after about 45 min) we head back home.  Kid #2 sorts and counts the candy, D takes his coffee crisp tax from each bag and we sit back and have a beer (or two) while we wait for Kid #1 to come home and start the sorting and tax taking process all over again.  Beer helps.

The next day (All Saints), Kid #2 was heading off with his class to The Royal Winter Fair and Kid #1 was just going to school.  My kids were probably the only ones that day who showed up with homemade banana bread for lunch instead of 4 crispy crunch's, 2 cheesy goldfish pkg's and 1 jolly rancher but they didn't complain.  I went out and bought some candles.

Chocolate, Chocolate Chunk Banana Bread adapted only a little from Joy of Baking

1 3/4 cup unbleached, all purpose flour
1/4 cup cocoa powder
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 tsp baking soda
3 - 4 (about 1 1/4 cups or so) overripe banana, mashed
1 cup sugar
2 lg eggs
1/2 cup butter, melted and cooled slightly
1 tsp vanilla
3/4 cup dark chocolate chunks (white chocolate is an option here)

Preheat oven to 350°F
Butter and flour a large loaf pan and set aside. 
Sift together the flour, cocoa powder, baking powder, salt and baking soda into a bowl and set aside.  
In another bowl, combine the mashed banana and sugar.  Mix well so that the sugar disintegrates into the banana.  Add the eggs and whisk together until well combined.  Add in the butter and vanilla and mix to combine.  
Add the flour mixture and whisk until the flour is completely mixed in.  
Fold in the chocolate chunks.  
Pour the batter into the prepared pan.  
Bake for about 55 - 60 min or until a cake tester comes out of the middle clean.  
Cool for about 5 minutes in the pan and then remove to a cooling rack.  
Slice and feed to your kids.  

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