Cold Slab Ice Cream Day

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The school where I work is a rather unique place.  It's a school - a full academic school.  It's an all boys school.  The school goes from grades 3 through 12 and there is only 1 class per grade.  Therefor, it's also a pretty small school.  Every single boy who attends our school has been auditioned and academically tested.  The reason for the screening is that each and every boy sings each and every weekend at the Cathedral that lives right next door to our school.  It's a boys Choir School.
Each year the Cathedral thanks the boys for the dedicated work by providing them with an ice cream day.  A local company comes to the Cathedral grounds and serves ice cream to all of the boys - not the teachers (this is important to note as it seems to have been a sore point over the last two or three years and because one teacher managed to score ice cream this year... only one teacher).  As you can imagine, this ice cream day is a highlight for most of the boys.
How it works is a big scoop of ice cream gets plopped onto a cold slab of granite (I guess) which is kept cold from some kind of refrigeration contraption under the stone.  The eater then chooses additions like gummy bears, marshmallows or sprinkles (god forbid fruit) and it gets all mixed together on the cold slab.  Then it gets scooped up and plopped into a waiting cup.  The boys grab a spoon (totally optional apparently) and go to it.  I happened to be on camera duty this year and here's what it looked like.

Sprinkles - waiting to be scooped into ice cream or poured straight into some boys waiting mouth.

This is what the slab looks like after abut 30 kids come through.
This is what all of that leftover everything looks like when it gets scooped into a cup and then given to an eagerly waiting teacher... the only teacher to get ice cream.  


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St Michael's Choir School is celebrating it's 75th anniversary year of service to St Michael's Cathedral. Part of the school celebration is a trip to Italy where our boys from Grades 5 - 12 will be performing and celebrating Mass. This blog will be chronicling our adventures. Wanda Thorne is the Vocal Coach at St Michael's Choir School. Gerard Lewis is the Grade 7/8 Homeroom teacher at the Choir School.

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Wanda Thorne
St Michael's Choir School is celebrating it's 75th anniversary year of service to St Michael's Cathedral. Part of the school celebration is a trip to Italy where our boys from Grades 5 - 12 will be performing and celebrating Mass. This blog will be chronicling our adventures. Wanda Thorne is the Vocal Coach at St Michael's Choir School. Gerard Lewis is the Grade 7/8 Homeroom teacher at the Choir School.
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